System solution industry

Biogrinder for industry

Rotor-driven impact tools shred the material within seconds. This increases the surface area of the biomass and thus also the attack surface for bacteria, which enables faster and more efficient decomposition.

The bladeless principle is insensitive to metal parts, stones and other impurities, a particular advantage, for example, in the preparation of COFERMENTS.

Areas of application

The BHS Biogrinder is an “omnivore”. It is capable of defibering almost any industrially produced material and is already successfully used for the processing of:

  • Organic waste from households
  • Screen overflow from composting
  • slaughterhouse waste
  • packaged food
  • coffee capsules
  • car seat covers
  • and much more.

Thoroughly shredded. Decomposed faster.

The BIOGRINDER enables the feeding of field residual crops and difficult types of manure (e.g. poultry manure) into the biogas plant, thus ensuring a wide variety of raw materials and high economic efficiency. The substrate can be broken down optimally, because the BIOGRINDER mechanically shreds the input materials via impact and shear forces instead of cutting them up. This increases the surface area of the biomass and thus also the attack surface for bacteria, which enables faster and more efficient decomposition in the fermenter.

We offer the BIOGRINDER in two sizes and several motorization options, which allows an optimal adaptation to your biogas plant.

With the BIOGRINDER as an efficient system for processing silage, field residues, poultry, horse or cow manure and organic waste, you remain flexible despite changing market conditions and legal frameworks.

We put energy efficiency into practice – with the BIOGRINDER!